Lew's Place... The Original Punta Raton

For those of the 70's Decade, "The Point" or Punta Raton will forever be one of the primary beach backdrops for many of their Zonian Life adventures, memories and friendships. This spectacular beach house paradise in San Carlos was originally developed and built by long-time Zonian Lewis Bateman. Created as a place of retreat and relaxation for his friends and family, the aura of this gathering place was made even more special by the combined construction efforts put in by many of Lew's closest friends affectionately know as "The Rats". Still referred to as "Lew's Place" by many, it truly was one of the beach locations to be during the 70's era and the home to many of those legendary "CZ Rats" parties. It still stands proudly today in Punta Raton with much of the same spirit and character of it's original creator and owner intact. ¡Mucho Amor y Respeto a usted el Tío Lew!... your spirit is still very much alive and well!